Hypothesis Test: Step-by-Step Guide

Don't let data overwhelm you! Unlock the secrets of hypothesis testing with this step-by-step guide. And make data-driven decisions.
Have you ever dreamt of scientifically proving your gut feeling, right? 
Have you ever longed to uncover the hidden truths within your data? 
Can you separate fact from fascinating fiction? 

The answer lies in something other than intuition or elaborate spells. It lies in a powerful statistical tool: hypothesis testing. Now, before you picture lab coats and intimidating formulas, fear not! This guide is your compass. It expertly navigates the sometimes treacherous waters of hypothesis testing. It transforms any data novice into a confident investigator. 

As a student or researcher, understanding the process of statistical hypothesis testing is crucial for making confident, statistically significant data-driven decisions. Whether you're conducting scientific experiments, analyzing survey data, or exploring patterns in large datasets, hypothesis testing provides a structured approach to evaluate hypotheses and draw meaningful conclusions.

Hypothesis Test: Step-by-Step Guide for Students & Researchers
Table of Contents

Key takeaways

  • A hypothesis test is a statistical method to test claims and make data-based decisions.
  • Hypothesis test involves stating the null and alternative hypotheses, choosing the appropriate test, calculating the test statistic and the p-value, comparing the p-value with the significance level, and deciding about the null hypothesis.
  • Hypothesis tests can help us answer important and relevant questions in various fields and situations, such as business, science, medicine, education, and social issues.
  • Hypothesis tests require careful and critical thinking, as they involve some skills and techniques we need to master and apply properly.

What is the Hypothesis Test?

A hypothesis test is a  method that allows us to test a claim about a parameter based on a sample of data from a population. To perform a hypothesis test, we need to understand some basic concepts and terms, such as:


A hypothesis is a statement or a claim about a population parameter we want to test. There are two types of hypotheses: null and alternative hypotheses.

Null hypothesis (H0​)

It is the default hypothesis that we assume to be true unless there is strong evidence against it. The null hypothesis usually states no difference, effect, relationship, or change in the population parameter. 

For example, the null hypothesis for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be H0: The average height of men in the USA is equal to that of men in the UK.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha​)

We want to support or prove the opposite or the challenger hypothesis with the data. The alternative hypothesis usually states that there is a difference, an effect, a relationship, or a change in the population parameter. 

For example, the alternative hypothesis for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be Ha: The average height of men in the USA is not equal to that of men in the UK.

Test statistic

A numeric value measures the difference or the discrepancy between the sample data and the null hypothesis. It depends on the type of test and the type of data that we are using. For example, the test statistic for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be:
Test statistic

Significance level (α)

In statistical analysis, the significance level (α) represents the likelihood of committing a type I error, wherein we reject the null hypothesis erroneously. Traditionally, this level is established at 0.05, indicating a 5% acceptance of a type I error risk. It is the benchmark against which we assess the p-value, guiding our determination regarding the null hypothesis.


In statistical terms, the p-value signifies the likelihood of attaining a test statistic as extreme as, or more powerful than, the observed one, given the assumption that the H0 holds. This metric gauges the compatibility of the data with the null hypothesis, indicating the probability of observing the data by chance under the null hypothesis. 

A lower p-value corresponds to more compelling evidence against the null hypothesis. Consider, for instance, the p-value associated with the average height of men in the USA and the UK:


Type I error

It is also known as a false positive or a false alarm. The probability of making a type I error equals the significance level (α). For example, a type I error for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be: 

We conclude that the average height of men in the USA is not equal to that of men in the UK when they are equal.

Type II error

It is also known as a false negative or a miss. The probability of making a type II error is shown by β. For example, a type II error for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be: 

We conclude that the average height of men in the USA is equal to that of men in the UK when they are not equal.

Power of the test

It is also known as the true positive rate or the sensitivity. The power of the test is equal to 1−β. The power of the test depends on several factors, such as the sample size, the effect size, the significance level, and the type of test. 

The higher the power of the test, the more likely it is to detect a real difference or effect in the population parameter. For example, the power of the test for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be:

Power of the test

Types of Hypothesis Test

Depending on the data type and hypothesis we are testing, there are different types and categories of hypothesis testing. Some of the common types and categories of hypothesis testing are:

One Sample Hypothesis Test

A one-sample test is a test that compares a sample mean or a sample proportion with a population mean or a population proportion.

For example, a one-sample test for the average height of men in the USA could be 

  • H0​: The average height of men in the USA is 175 cm.
  • Ha​: The average height of men in the USA is not 175 cm.

Two Sample Hypothesis Test

A two-sample test is a test that compares two sample means or two sample proportions from two independent populations.

For example, a two-sample test for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be

  • H0: The average height of men in the USA is equal to that of men in the UK.
  • Ha: The average height of men in the USA is not equal to that of men in the UK.
A two-sample test is more complex and informative than a one-sample test, as it can reveal the difference or the effect of a factor or a treatment between two groups or populations.

Parametric hypothesis test

The test assumes that the data follow a certain distribution, such as the normal distribution, and that the population parameters, such as the mean and the standard deviation, are known or can be estimated from the sample.

For example, a parametric test for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be a two-sample t-test for the difference of means, assuming that the heights of the variances are equal or unequal and are normally distributed.

Non-Parametric hypothesis test

A non-parametric test is a test that does not consider any distribution for the data and does not rely on the population parameters but rather on the ranks, the medians, or the frequencies of the data.

Read more about Non -Parametric hypothesis test

For example, a non-parametric test for the average height of men in the USA and the UK could be a Mann-Whitney U test for the difference of medians or a chi-square test for the difference of frequencies. 

A non-parametric test is more flexible and more robust than a parametric test, as it can handle data that are skewed, outliers, or missing values. However, it also has less power and precision than a parametric test. 

These are some of the common types and categories of hypothesis testing. However, there are many more, depending on the type of data and the type of hypothesis that we are testing. 

Why is hypothesis testing important?

Hypothesis testing is important. It can help us test claims and make data-based decisions. It can help us measure the effect and significance of a treatment or a factor. It can also compare and contrast different groups or populations. Additionally, this can help us explore and discover new relationships and patterns in the data. Here are some examples of hypothesis testing in real-life scenarios:


Hypothesis testing can evaluate the performance and quality of a product or service. It can also optimize marketing and pricing strategies. It can assess customer satisfaction and loyalty. And it can improve profitability and competitiveness. 

For example, we can test whether a new product or service is better than the existing one. We also test whether a new marketing campaign or price change has increased sales and revenue.


Hypothesis testing can test the validity of a scientific theory or model. It can verify the results of an experiment or study. It can also explore the causes and effects of a phenomenon. It can advance knowledge in a scientific field. 

For example, we can use hypothesis testing to test whether a new drug or treatment is effective and safe. We can also use it to test whether a new theory or model can explain and predict the behavior of a system.


Hypothesis testing can help us diagnose, treat, prevent, and control diseases. It can also improve health care. For example, we can test whether a symptom or risk factor is associated with a disease. We can also test whether an intervention has reduced the spread of an epidemic.


Hypothesis testing can help us assess and improve learning and teaching outcomes. It can also help to design and implement effective and engaging curricula. It can also help to design and implement effective and engaging pedagogies. 

Furthermore, it can evaluate and enhance the quality and equity of education. Finally, it can foster and support the development and achievement of students and teachers. For example, we can use hypothesis testing. It helps us determine if a new teaching method or curriculum is more engaging and successful.

We can do this by analyzing student attendance and grades. We can also use hypothesis testing to determine if a new assessment or feedback system is more fair and accurate. We'll do this by analyzing student and teacher scores and evaluations.

Social issues

Hypothesis testing can help us understand social and ethical issues. It can also help us address challenges. These include poverty, inequality, discrimination, violence, crime, and corruption. We can also use it to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of social policies and interventions. In addition, we can use it to explore and promote social and cultural diversity and inclusion. 

We can also advocate and protect human rights and social justice. For example, we can use hypothesis testing to determine if a social policy or intervention is fair and impactful. We base our test on indicators and outcomes of the target groups and populations. 

We also use hypothesis testing to see if a social or cultural factor or a variable is linked to a social or ethical issue or a challenge. We base this test on surveys and studies of relevant groups and populations.

These are some of the applications and benefits of hypothesis tests. However, there are many more, depending on the field and the situation we are interested in and concerned about. Hypothesis tests can help us answer many important questions based on data. They're relevant. 

Hypothesis Test: Conditions and Considerations

When examining population parameter claims using sample data, it is valuable. However, several critical conditions and considerations must be acknowledged and addressed to ensure accurate and meaningful results:

Test Selection

Choosing the right test is pivotal. Selecting an appropriate test—such as a two-sample t-test, chi-square test, or correlation test—is essential depending on the data type and hypothesis under study. Each test has advantages and disadvantages, demanding a thorough understanding before implementation.

Test Parametric/Non-Parametric Pros Cons
t-Test Parametric Detects mean differences in two groups. Assumes normal distribution, sensitive to outliers.
Chi-Square Test Non-Parametric Tests independence in categorical data. Limited to categorical variables, sensitive to sample size.
ANOVA Parametric Compares means in three or more groups. Assumes normal distribution, affected by outliers.
Z-Test Parametric Compares means when population SD is known. Requires knowledge of population standard deviation.
Correlation Test Parametric Measures linear relationship between variables. Sensitive to outliers, assumes linearity.
Regression Analysis Parametric Examines the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Assumes linear relationship, impacted by outliers.
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test Non-Parametric Non-parametric alternative to t-test. Less powerful than t-tests with larger sample sizes.
Kruskal-Wallis Test Non-Parametric Non-parametric alternative to ANOVA. Assumes independent samples, sensitive to ties.
Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test Non-Parametric Non-parametric version of paired t-test. Less powerful than paired t-test with larger samples.
Fisher's Exact Test Non-Parametric Tests independence in small sample sizes. Limited to 2x2 contingency tables.

Data Validity and Reliability

Before hypothesis testing, attention must be given to the validity and reliability of the data. Validity assesses how well the data measures what is intended, while reliability measures the consistency and accuracy of the data. Techniques like data cleaning, exploration, visualization, and quality assessment contribute to this validation process.

Independence and Randomness of the Sample

Assuming independence and randomness of the sample is crucial. It implies that observations are not influenced by each other and are randomly selected from the population. Techniques like random, stratified, and cluster sampling help ensure these key assumptions.

Normality and Homogeneity Checks

The hypothesis test assumes that data follow a specific distribution, often the normal distribution and exhibit homogeneity. Verification of data normality involves methods like histograms and Q-Q plots. At the same time, homogeneity checks assess the uniformity of variance using tools like Levene's test.

If data normality assumptions are not met? Then learn how to normalize data.

Handling Outliers and Missing Values

Challenges arise when dealing with outliers and missing values. Outliers and extreme data points can impact results while missing values reduce sample size and testing power. Strategies like removal, replacement, imputation, or appropriate acknowledgment are necessary based on the nature and extent of these challenges.

How to perform the Hypothesis Test

Performing a hypothesis test is a systematic process crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions from data. The steps for Hypothesis Testing are

State the Hypotheses

  • Write the null and alternative hypotheses, ensuring specificity and mutual exclusivity.
  • Decide on a one-tailed or two-tailed test based on the direction of the alternative hypothesis.

Select the Appropriate Test

  • Choose a test aligned with the data type and hypothesis being investigated.
  • Understand the test's assumptions and conditions and weigh its pros and cons.

Calculate the Test Statistic and P-value

  • Utilize relevant formulas and methods to compute the test statistic and p-value.
  • Leverage tools like Excel, R, Python, SPSS, or online calculators for accurate calculations.

Compare P-Value with Significance Level

  • Compare the calculated p-value with a predefined significance level, often set at 0.05.
  • Adhere to the rule: Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than or equal to the significance level.

You can read our comprehensive article about p < 0.05.

Make a Decision

Based on the comparison, decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Interpret and Communicate Results

  • Communicate results clearly and cautiously, using appropriate language.
  • Include details such as the test statistic, p-value, significance level, and the decision made.
  • Explain the implications of the results in the context of the research question or problem statement.
  • Acknowledge the uncertainties, variability, and limitations inherent in the data and hypothesis.

Tips and tricks on performing hypothesis tests efficiently and effectively

Hypothesis testing, a widely used statistical method, empowers decision-making based on data. Mastering this technique demands careful consideration and the application of essential skills. Here are succinct tips for efficient and effective hypothesis testing:

Significance Level Selection

Choose a significance level (α) tailored to the context and consequence of the test. While 0.05 is common, critical situations may warrant lower values (e.g., 0.01 or 0.001), enhancing confidence and credibility.

Utilize Confidence Intervals and Effect Sizes

Complement the p-value with confidence intervals and effect sizes. Confidence intervals provide estimates with precision and accuracy. At the same time, effect sizes (e.g., Cohen's d) offer standardized measures to gauge the magnitude and significance of differences or effects.

Handle Multiple Testing and Post-hoc Analyses with Care

Address complex questions through multiple testing but be wary of the multiple testing problem. Techniques like the Bonferroni correction and post-hoc analyses (e.g., Tukey's HSD test) help control type I error rates and explore specific significant groups or variables.

Visualize and Summarize Results Effectively

Translate numerical results into accessible visuals—graphs, charts, tables—to make findings more intuitive. Visualization enhances understanding, allowing you to convey and communicate results more effectively.


The hypothesis test, a widely utilized statistical method, empowers decision-making through data-driven insights. It plays a pivotal role in measuring treatment effects, comparing groups, and uncovering patterns in various fields such as business, science, medicine, education, and social issues.

Hypothesis test demands careful consideration and application of specific skills and techniques. A systematic approach involves

  • selecting an appropriate test,
  • calculating the test statistic and p-value,
  • comparing the p-value with the significance level, 
  • deciding on the null hypothesis.
Utilizing tools like Excel, R, Python, SPSS, and online calculators enhances the accuracy of calculations and analyses. Communicating results with clarity while acknowledging data uncertainty and limitations is crucial.

The article provides a foundational understanding of hypothesis testing, covering types, applications, procedures, and practical tips. A specific case study involving a two-sample t-test using Excel illustrates the application of these concepts. The intention is to enhance readers' skills and appreciation for hypothesis testing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A hypothesis test has a significance level of 10%. Explain what this significance level represents?

In statistical hypothesis testing, the significance level, often denoted as alpha (α), represents the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. A significance level of 10% means that there is a 10% chance of making a Type I error—incorrectly rejecting a true null hypothesis. In other words, it sets the threshold for considering evidence against the null hypothesis as statistically significant.

A hypothesis test involves a comparison of which two elements?

A hypothesis test involves comparing the sample data and the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis represents a statement of no effect or difference, and the sample data are analyzed to determine whether there is enough evidence to accept the alternate hypothesis(Ha).

For a hypothesis test of μ when σ is known, the value of the test statistic is calculated as?

For a hypothesis test of the population mean (μ) when the population sd (σ) is known, the test statistic (z) is calculated using the formula: z = (Xˉ−μ)/(σ/sqrt(n)​)

How did Dr. Kettlewell test his hypothesis?

Dr. Kettlewell tested his hypothesis through field experiments studying industrial melanism in peppered moths. He observed the distribution of moth color variations in different environments, specifically focusing on the correlation between moth color and tree bark color to understand the impact of natural selection on moth populations.

How did Dr. Allison test his hypothesis that sickle cell disease was connected to malaria?

Dr. Allison tested his hypothesis by conducting epidemiological studies and observing the distribution of sickle cell trait in malaria-endemic regions. He found that individuals with the sickle cell trait had a survival advantage against malaria, supporting the hypothesis that the gene conferring sickle cell trait protected against the disease.

How do you test a hypothesis?

To test a hypothesis, you typically follow these steps: 
1. Formulate a null hypothesis (H0) and an alternative hypothesis (Ha).
2. Collect and analyze data using statistical methods.
3. Calculate a test statistic based on the data.
4. Determine the p-value associated with the test statistic.
5. Compare the p-value to the significance level (α).
6. If the p-value is less than or equal to α, reject the null hypothesis; otherwise, fail to reject the null hypothesis.

How to find the p-value for a hypothesis test?

To find the p-value for a hypothesis test, calculate the test statistic based on your data and the chosen statistical test. Then, reference the test statistic to the appropriate probability distribution. A smaller p-value indicates stronger evidence against the null hypothesis, influencing the decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

How to find the test statistic for a hypothesis test?

To find the test statistic for a hypothesis test, use the formula specific to the chosen statistical test based on the type of data you are analyzing. Common test statistics include z for a z-test, t for a t-test, and F for an ANOVA test. Calculate the observed test statistic from your data and compare it to the critical value or reference distribution to determine its significance concerning the null hypothesis.

How to test a null hypothesis?

Testing a null hypothesis involves several steps. Clearly state the null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypotheses (Ha). Choose a statistical test based on the data type. Collect and analyze the data to calculate the test statistic. Determine the p-value and compare it to the chosen significance level (α). 

If the null hypothesis is rejected based on the ANOVA test?

It indicates sufficient evidence suggesting that at least two population means are different. In other words, there is variability in the data that is not explained by random chance alone. The rejection of the null hypothesis in ANOVA suggests significant differences among the group means.

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About the author

Zubair Goraya
Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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