Exploring R Date Format Complexities

Learn how the R date format works. Discover how to convert strings to dates, manipulate dates and calculate date differences.

Key Points 

  • R date format is a skill that can help you handle one of the most common and important data types in any data analysis project.
  • R has a special class for representing dates called the date class. It stores dates as the number of days since January 1st, 1970.
  • You can format, convert, manipulate, visualize, and work with dates in R using various packages and functions, such as lubridate, ggplot2, readr, etc.
  • You can also handle time zones, daylight saving time, and date and time data from different sources in R using functions such as with_tz(), dst(), as.POSIXct(), etc.

Exploring R Date Format Complexities My Doctoral Insights






Converts a string or a numeric value to a date object


Creates a date object from year, month, and day values


Converts a date object to a character string


Converts a date object to a numeric value


Converts a date object or a string to a POSIXct object


Formats a date object or a POSIXct object using symbols


Formats a date object or a POSIXct object using symbols


Creates a sequence of dates or POSIXct objects


Calculates the difference between two dates or POSIXct objects


Groups dates or POSIXct objects into intervals


Returns the current time zone


Returns the current system time as a POSIXct object



Creates days that can be added or subtracted from date objects


Creates months that can be added or subtracted from date objects


Creates years that can be added or subtracted from date objects


Extracts the year from a date object


Extracts the month from a date object


Extracts the day from a date object


Changes the time zone of a POSIXct object without changing the value


Forces a new time zone on a POSIXct object without changing the value


Checks if a date object or a POSIXct object is in daylight saving time


Creates a date and time object from a string in year-month-day hour:minute:second format


Creates a time object from a string in hour:minute:second format


Rounds a date and time object to the nearest unit of time

Hi, I’m Zubair Goraya, a certified data analyst and freelancer with 5 years of experience and a PhD. I love working with data and finding insights that can help businesses grow. I also enjoy writing about data analysis topics and sharing my knowledge with others.

One of the topics that I find very interesting and useful is r date format. Dates are essential for any data analysis project because they allow us to measure time, compare events, perform calculations, and create visualizations. However, dates can also be tricky because they come in different formats and require special handling in R.

That’s why I decided to write this article for you. In this article, I will show you how I mastered r date format.. You will learn to format dates in R using various symbols and functions. You will also learn how to convert strings to dates, manipulate dates, calculate date differences, create sequences, and more.

By the end of this article, you will be able to work with dates in R like a pro. You will also be able to apply your skills to real-world data analysis problems and projects.

Understand the Date Class in R

The first step to master r date format is to understand the date class in R. The date class is a special type of object that represents calendar dates. It has the following characteristics:

  • It stores dates as the number of days since January 1st, 1970 (the Unix epoch).
  • It has a default format of YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day).
  • It can be created using the as.Date() function or the Date() constructor.
  • It can be converted to other classes using the as.character(), as.numeric(), or as.POSIXct() functions.
  • It can be formatted using the format() function or the strftime() function.

Here are some examples of how to create and convert date objects in R:

Understand the Date Class in R

# create a date object using as.Date()
date1 <- as.Date("2021-03-17")
# create a date object using Date()
date2 <- as.Date(2021, 3, 17)
# convert a date object to character
# convert a date object to numeric
# convert a date object to POSIXct

Learn the Symbols for Formatting Dates in R

The second step to master the date format is to learn the symbols for formatting dates in R. These symbols specify how to display the date components, such as the year, month, day, weekday, etc. You can use these symbols in the format() function or the strftime() function to customize the output of your date objects.

The following table shows a list of the most common symbols for formatting dates in R:





Day of the month as decimal number (01-31)



Abbreviated weekday (Sun, Mon, etc.)



Full weekday (Sunday, Monday, etc.)



Month as decimal number (01-12)



Abbreviated month (Jan, Feb, etc.)



Full month (January, February, etc.)



Year without century (00-99)



Year with century (e.g. 2021)



Century (19, 20, etc.)



Date formatted as %m/%d/%y



Date formatted as locale-specific


How to Use These Symbols

Here are some examples of how to use these symbols to format dates in R:
Learn the Symbols for Formatting Dates in R
# format a date object using format()
format(date1, format = "%d-%b-%Y")
# format a date object using strftime()
strftime(date1, format = "%A, %B %d, %Y")

Convert Strings to Dates in R

The third step to master the r date format is to convert strings to dates in R. Strings are sequences of characters that can represent text, numbers, or dates. However, strings are not recognized as dates by R unless they are converted to the date class using the as.Date() function.

The as.Date() function takes two arguments: x and format

  • The x argument is the string you want to convert to a date. 
  • The format argument is the specification of how the string is formatted using the symbols from step 2. If you omit the format argument, R will try to guess the format based on the default YYYY-MM-DD.

Convert Strings to Dates

Here are some examples of how to convert strings to dates in R:

# convert a string to a date using the default format
# convert a string to a date using a custom format
as.Date("17/03/2021", format = "%d/%m/%Y")
# convert a string to a date using another custom format
as.Date("March 17th, 2021", format = "%B %dth, %Y")

Manipulate Dates in R

The fourth step to mastering the date format is manipulating dates in R. Manipulating dates means changing or modifying them according to your needs. For example, add or subtract days, months, or years from a date or extract specific components from a date.

There are several functions and packages that can help you manipulate dates in R. Some of the most useful ones are:

The Lubridate Package

The Lubricate package provides functions that make working with dates easier and more intuitive. You can install it using:

install.packages("lubridate") #Install lubricate pacakge 
library(lubridate) # Load the package

The base package

The Base package is part of the core R system and provides some basic functions for manipulating dates, such as:

The zoo package

The zoo package provides functions for working with irregularly spaced time series data. You can install it using:

install.packages("zoo") # install the zoo package
library(zoo) # Load the zoo package

Example- How to Manipulate Dates

Here are some examples of how to manipulate dates in R using these packages:
# load the lubridate package
# add one day to a date using days()
date1 + days(1)
# subtract one month from a date using months()
date1 - months(1)
# extract the year from a date using year()
# load the base package
# create a sequence of dates using seq()
seq(from = date1, by = "week", length.out = 4)
#calculate the difference between two dates using difftime()
difftime(date2, date1, units = "days")
#group dates into intervals using cut()
cut(date1, breaks = "month")
#load the zoo package
#create a zoo object with dates and values
z <- zoo(c(10, 20, 30), date1 + days(0:2)) 
#aggregate a zoo object by month using aggregate()
aggregate(z, as.yearmon, mean)}

Create Visualizations with Dates in R

The sixth step to mastering the date format is to create visualizations with dates in R. Visualizations are graphical representations of data that can help you explore, analyze, and communicate your findings. Visualizations can also make your data more attractive and engaging for your audience.

Many packages and functions can help you create visualizations with dates in R. Some of the most popular ones are:

The ggplot2 Package 

The ggplot2 package provides a powerful and flexible system for creating plots based on the grammar of graphics. You can install it using:

install.packages("ggplot2") # install ggplot2 library
library(ggplot2) #load the ggplot2 library

The scales Package 

The scales package provides functions for scaling and formatting axes, legends, and labels. You can install it using:

install.packages("scales") # install the scales pacakge
library(scales) #Load the scales pacakge

The lubridate Package 

The lubricate package provides functions for manipulating and formatting dates, as we observed in the previous step.

Example of Data Visualization with Dates

Here are some examples of how to create visualizations with dates in R using these packages:
# load the packages
# create some sample data
df <- data.frame(
  date = seq(from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), by = "day", length.out = 100),
  value = runif(100, 0, 10)
# create a line plot with dates on the x-axis
ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = value)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b %d", date_breaks = "2 weeks") +
  labs(x = "Date", y = "Value", title = "Line Plot with Dates")
# create a bar plot with months on the x-axis
ggplot(df, aes(x = month(date, label = TRUE), y = value)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun = "mean") +
  labs(x = "Month", y = "Average Value", title = "Bar Plot with Months"}

Line Plots with Dates using ggplot2

Line Plot with Dates

Bar plot with Months using ggplot2

Bar Plot with Months using ggplot2

Format Dates for Different Locales in R

The fifth step to mastering the date format is to format dates for different locales in R. Locales are settings that specify the language, country, and cultural conventions for displaying dates, numbers, currencies, etc. For example:

Date Format






R can handle different locales using the `Sys.setlocale()` function. This function allows you to change the locale for your current session. You can also use the `Sys.getlocale()` function to check the current locale.


Examples of How to format dates for different locales 

Here are some examples of how to format dates for different locales in R:

# check the current locale
# format a date using the current locale
format(date1, format = "%x")
# change the locale to UK
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "en_GB.UTF-8")
# format a date using the new locale
format(date1, format = "%x")
# change the locale back to US
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "en_US.UTF-8")
format(date1, format = "%x")

How to format dates for different locales

Handle Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time in R

The seventh step to master the date format is to handle time zones and daylight saving time in R. Time zones are regions of the earth that have the same standard time. Daylight saving time (DST) is advancing clocks by one hour during summer months to better use daylight.

Time zones and DST can affect how dates are displayed and calculated in R. For example, the same date can have different values depending on the time zone. Also, some dates can be ambiguous or nonexistent due to DST transitions.

Several functions and packages can help you handle time zones and DST in R. Some of the most useful ones are:

The base package

The base package provides some basic functions for working with time zones and DST, such as:


The lubridate package 

The lubridate package provides functions for manipulating and formatting dates, as we observed in previous steps. It also provides functions for working with time zones and DST, such as:


The chron package

The chron package provides functions for creating and manipulating dates and times. You can install it using: 

install.packages("chron") #install chron package
library(chron) # load the chron package

Examples of How to Handle Time Zones and DST in R

Here are some examples of how to handle time zones and DST in R using these packages:
# load the packages
# check the current time zone
# check the current system time
# create a POSIXct object with a specific time zone
date3 <- as.POSIXct("2021-03-17 16:25:03", tz = "America/New_York")
# change the time zone of a POSIXct object using with_tz()
with_tz(date3, tz = "Europe/Paris")
# force a new time zone on a POSIXct object using force_tz()
force_tz(date3, tz = "Europe/Paris")
# check if a date is in DST using dst()
# create a chron object with a specific time zone
date4 <- chron("03/17/2021", "16:25:03")
# change the time zone of a chron object using tz<-
tz(date4) <- "Europe/Paris"

Handle Time Zones and DST in R

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Work with Date and Time Data in R

The eighth step to master the date format is to work with date and time data in R. Date and time data contain both date and time components, such as “2021-03-17 16:25:03”. Date and time data are useful for analyzing events that occur at specific points in time, such as transactions, logs, tweets, etc.

Several classes and packages can help you work with date and time data in R. Some of the most common ones are:

  • The POSIXct class: This class is a subclass of the date class that also stores the time as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. It has a default format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (year-month-day hour:minute:second). It can be created using the as.POSIXct() function or the POSIXct() constructor.
  • The lubridate package provides functions for manipulating and formatting dates and times, as we observed in previous steps. It also provides functions for working with date and time data, such as ymd_hms(), hms(), and round_date().
  • The xts package provides functions for working with time series data. You can install it using install.packages("xts") and load it using library(xts).

Examples of How to Work with date and time data in R

Here are some examples of how to work with date and time data in R using these classes and packages

# load the packages
# create a POSIXct object using as.POSIXct()
datetime1 <- as.POSIXct("2021-03-17 16:25:03", tz = "America/New_York")
# create a POSIXlt object using as.POSIXlt()
datetime2 <- as.POSIXlt("2021-03-17 16:25:03", tz = "America/New_York")
# access the components of a POSIXlt object using $
# create a date and time object using ymd_hms()
datetime3 <- ymd_hms("2021-03-17 16:25:03", tz = "America/New_York")
# create a time object using hms()
time1 <- hms("16:25:03")
# round a date and time object using round_date()
round_date(datetime3, unit = "hour")
# create some sample data
df <- data.frame(
  datetime = seq(from = datetime3, by = "hour", length.out = 10),
  value = runif(10, 0, 10)
# create an xts object with date and time data
options(xts_check_TZ = FALSE)
xts_df <- xts(df$value, order.by = df$datetime)

Generate data set and understand How to Work with date and time data in R
# subset an xts object by date and time using []

subset an xts object by date and time using []

Work with Date and Time Data from Different Sources in R

The ninth step to master the date format is to work with date and time data from different sources in R. Date and time data can come from various sources, such as files, databases, web pages, APIs, etc. Each source may have a different format and structure for representing date and time data.

Several functions and packages can help you work with date and time data from different sources in R. Some of the most common ones are:

The readr package

The readr package provides functions for reading data from files, such as read_csv(), read_tsv(), read_delim(), etc. You can install it using: 
install.packages("readr") #Install package 
library(readr) # laod the library
# Read Documentation

The DBI package

It provides functions for connecting to and querying databases, such as dbConnect(), dbGetQuery(), dbWriteTable(), etc. You can install it using: 
install.packages("DBI") # isntall pacakge
library(DBI) # load the required library

The rvest package

It provides functions for scraping data from web pages, such as read_html(), html_nodes(), html_text(), etc. You can install it using:
install.packages("rvest") # install the required library
library(rvest) #load the required library
#Read the documentation

The httr package

It provides functions for working with web APIs, such as GET(), POST(), content(), etc. You can install it using: 
install.packages("httr") # install the required library
library(httr) # load the required package
# Read the documentation of these codes

Examples of How to Work with Date and Time data from different sources in R

Here are some examples of how to work with date and time data from different sources in R using these packages:

# load the packages
# read date and time data from a CSV file
#df <- read_csv("date_time_data.csv")
# connect to a SQLite database
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "date_time_data.db")
# query date and time data from a table
#df <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM date_time_data")

# disconnect from the database
# scrape date and time data from a web page
url <- "https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/"
page <- read_html(url)
table <- html_nodes(page, "table")
rows <- html_nodes(table, "tr")
data <- html_text(rows)
# work with date and time data from a web API
url <- "https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat=36.7201600&lng=-4.4203400&date=today"
response <- GET(url)

Date and Time data from different sources in RHow to Work with Date and Time data from different sources in R


You have just learned to master the date format in simple steps. 
Congratulations! You have acquired a valuable skill that can help you handle one of the most common and important data types in any data analysis project. You have also learned how to use various packages and functions to make your work with dates easier and more fun.

  • R has a special class for representing dates, called the date class. It stores dates as the number of days since January 1st, 1970.
  • You can format dates in R using symbols that specify how to display the date components, such as year, month, day, etc. You can use the format() function or the strftime() function to apply these symbols to your date objects.
  • You can convert strings to dates in R using the as.Date() function. You must provide the string format using symbols, so that R can parse it correctly.
  • You can manipulate dates in R using the lubridate package. This package provides functions that allow you to add or subtract periods, extract date components, change time zones, and more.
  • You can create visualizations with dates in R using the ggplot2 package. This package provides a powerful and flexible system for creating plots based on the grammar of graphics. You can use dates as variables on your plot axes and customize their appearance using the scale_x_date() or scale_y_date() functions.
  • You can work with date and time data in R using the POSIXct class or the POSIXlt class. These classes are subclasses of the date class that also store the time as either seconds or components. You can also use the lubridate package or the xts package to manipulate and analyze date and time data.
  • You can work with date and time data from different sources in R using various packages and functions. For example, you can use the readr package to read data from files, the DBI package to connect to and query databases, the rvest package to scrape data from web pages, and the httr package to work with web APIs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the date and POSIXct classes in R?

The date class is a special type of object that represents calendar dates. It stores dates as the number of days since January 1st, 1970. The POSIXct class is a subclass of the date class that also stores the time as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. It has a default format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

How can I change the format of a date object in R?

You can change the format of a date object in R using the format() function or the strftime() function. These functions take a date object and a format argument that specifies how to display the date components using symbols. For example, format(date1, format = "%d-%b-%Y") will display the date as “17-Mar-2021”.

How can I convert a string to a date object in R?

Using the as, you can convert a string to a date object in R.Date() function. This function takes a string and a format argument that specifies how the string is formatted using symbols. For example, as.Date("17/03/2021", format = "%d/%m/%Y") will convert the string to a date object with the value “2021-03-17”.

How can I add or subtract days, months, or years from a date object in R?

You can add or subtract days, months, or years from a date object in R using the lubridate package. This package provides functions such as days(), months(), and years() that create periods that can be added or subtracted from date objects. For example, date1 + days(1) will add one day to the date object date1.

How can I extract specific components from a date object in R?

You can extract specific components from a date object in R using the lubridate package. This package provides functions such as year(), month(), and day() that extract the year, month, and day from a date object. For example, year(date1) will return the year of the date object date1.

How can I format dates for different locales in R?

You can format dates for different locales in R using the Sys.setlocale() function. This function allows you to change the locale for your current session. The locale is a setting that specifies the language, country, and cultural conventions for displaying dates, numbers, currencies, etc. For example, Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "en_GB.UTF-8") will change the locale to UK.

How can I create visualisations with dates in R?

You can create visualisations with dates in R using the ggplot2 package. This package provides a powerful and flexible system for creating plots based on the grammar of graphics. You can use dates as variables on your plots' x-axis- or y-axis. You can also use the scale_x_date() or scale_y_date() functions to customise the appearance of your date axes.

How can I handle time zones and daylight saving time in R?

You can handle time zones and daylight saving time in R using the lubridate package. This package provides functions such as with_tz(), force_tz(), and dst() that allow you to change, force, or check the time zone and DST status of your date objects. For example, with_tz(date3, tz = "Europe/Paris") will change the time zone of the date object date3 to Europe/Paris.

How can I work with date and time data in R?

You can work with date and time data in R using the POSIXct or POSIXlt class. These classes are subclasses of the date class that also store the time as either seconds or components. You can also use the lubridate package or the xts package to manipulate and analyze date and time data.

How can I work with date and time data from different sources in R?

Using various packages and functions, you can work with date and time data from different sources in R. For example, you can use the readr package to read data from files, the DBI package to connect to and query databases, the rvest package to scrape data from web pages, and the httr package to work with web APIs.

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About the author

Zubair Goraya
Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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